Are long distance trips possible in an EV?

More and more company car drivers are looking at the virtues of switching to an electric car. For one thing, there’s a substantial company car tax saving by switching to EV; for another, companies are looking to help reduce their carbon footprints too. 

But there’s one big worry for the high mileage company car driver. Will they be stuck, at the end of a long working day, waiting to charge when they desperately want to get on the road, and get home. With their current diesel or petrol car, the thought is, it would be so much simpler and could mean getting home earlier. 

Thankfully, there’s a growing number of real world reviews that can prove how electric cars – and the improving UK rapid charging infrastructure – can make a long distance road trip in an electric vehicle not only doable, but simple and easy. Take a look at this recent video from Richard Symons, of electric vehicle dealer RSEV. 

This was a journey from Edinburgh to the south coast of England, a journey of almost 500 miles completed in one day. Driving a Tesla Model Y, Richard was able to complete the drive with the vehicle needing just one recharging stop. As the driver, he needed more breaks and refuels than the car! 

The experience shows that, thanks to a combination of better, more reliable and smarter charging infrastructure, long distance journeys are increasingly easy and practical, in more and more new electric vehicles. And most vehicles start from home, where you can begin your day with a fully charged electric car, using your own home charger. If you are looking for EV charger installation in Cardiff or Newport, contact The Full EV by filling in our contact form.

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