Charge like a pro when you travel

Use Zap Home to ensure you’re never far from a charger

If you’re planning a trip away, perhaps to stay with a friend or family member, how can you make it really easy to charge your electric vehicle? 

Most EV drivers who can charge at home are familiar with plugging in their car overnight, once or twice a week, to give them a fully charged vehicle when they wake up in the morning. Staying away means missing that convenience, and maybe planning to use rapid chargers on the journey instead. But it is possible to still charge your car while you are sleeping, or maybe while you spend a day at work somewhere. 

And it’s possible thanks to the creation of charger sharing platforms. While there are several available, probably the cheapest and most comprehensive is provided as the Zap Home service, from the Zap Map platform. Simply put, Zap Home can link one EV driver with another who is happy to share their home charger. It’s a great example of sharing resources – using chargers that are already out there, and are not intensively used. 

To use the service, you will need to register on the Zap Map website or app. The platform’s interactive map will show you where Zap Home chargers are available – and provide you with the owner’s mobile phone number. Simply contact them to arrange a mutually convenient time to park and charge – and agree how you’ll settle up for the cost of the electricity used to fill up your vehicle. 

Read more about Zap Home here

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